Saving should be simple. Armstrong Bank offers easy solutions to help you prepare and plan for your future and success.
Since 1909, we’ve provided exceptional customer service to families and individuals across Oklahoma and Arkansas. We understand that saving is about building a legacy for yourself and your family. Whether you’re building an emergency fund, working toward a particular goal like home ownership, teaching your children the value of a dollar, or planning for medical expenses, Armstrong’s banking experts can help you find the best savings account to fit your needs.
Visit one of our banking locations to open an account today or click here to open an account online.
Our Regular Savings Account can help you save for the rainy day fund, a new laptop, or that beach vacation you’ve been dreaming of for far too long. We’ll help you get there! Armstrong Bank offers exceptional customer service from banking experts who live and work in your community.
A perfect account for savers under 18. It’s never too early to start planning for the future. Children as young as five years old may already have ideas about money from observing adults in their life. Teach your child important lessons about the value of a dollar, compound interest, and more with our Young Savers Account.
The cost of healthcare can be a burden for many families. Plan ahead by depositing pre-tax income in a Health Savings Account. An HSA helps you prepare for future medical expenses by saving money for copays and other medical bills. For more information, or to determine if you qualify, visit the Department of the Treasury.
At Armstrong Bank, we strive to achieve customer satisfaction in our communities by providing a complete menu of financial products and customer service that is prompt, friendly, and professional. In short, we want to exceed your expectations every time you visit us. We are also proud to be part of your neighborhood--our banking experts live and work in the same communities they serve.